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Enskede Rackethall Chooses BRP Systems

Written by Chloé Baaklini | Jul 1, 2024 10:56:42 AM

Enskede Rackethall, a racket facility in Sweden with over 900 visitors a day, has implemented BRP Systems to enhance its booking and management operations. After an extensive testings for the right solution, Enskede Rackethall found BRP Systems to be the perfect fit, thanks to its comprehensive features and ease of use.

Following an extensive search and evaluation of various booking systems, Enskede Rackethall decided on BRP Systems. According to their team, "After a couple of years of inquiring for a new booking system, we finally chose BRP, and we are very satisfied. Two major advantages are that it has many great features and that everything is in one program."

Why BRP Systems?

1. Comprehensive Features: BRP Systems offers a wide range of features that cater to the diverse needs of Enskede Rackethall. From booking and scheduling to membership management and reporting, BRP Systems provides a robust solution that covers all aspects of their operations.

2. All-in-One Solution: One of the key benefits for Enskede Rackethall is having everything integrated into one program. This integration simplifies their processes, reduces the need for multiple systems, and ensures that all data is centralized and easily accessible.

3. User-Friendly Interface: BRP Systems is designed with user experience in mind. The intuitive interface makes it easy for staff to navigate and manage daily tasks efficiently. This ease of use has significantly improved operational efficiency and reduced the learning curve for new staff members.

Support from BRP Systems

BRP Systems provides excellent customer support, ensuring that Enskede Rackethall has all the assistance they have needed during and after the implementation process. The BRP team is always ready to help with any issues, provide training, and ensure that the system is used to its full potential.


Enskede Rackethall's decision to choose BRP Systems has proven to be a successful one. The comprehensive features, all-in-one solution, and user-friendly interface have transformed their booking and management processes. With BRP Systems, Enskede Rackethall can now focus on providing the best experience for their members and growing their facility without worrying about operational inefficiencies.

For more information about Enskede Rackethall, visit their website [here].