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Chloé Baaklini
By Chloé Baaklini
on May 20, 2024


In the thriving city of Oulu, within the Heinäpää district, Health Club Hukka stands as a pillar for wellness and community spirit. Renowned for its expansive 10,000 square meter facility, Hukka offers a vast sporting activities under one roof, all included in a single membership. This includes three diverse gyms, a variety of classes, and a classic Finnish sauna and professional massage services. At Hukka, people always come first, fostering an environment where every member, regardless of age or fitness level, feels valued and supported.

With an eye towards further enhancing its operational effectiveness and member experience, Hukka has made a strategic decision to adopt BRP Systems' full solution. This collaboration marks a significant step in Hukka's journey to streamline its services and boost its growth.

A Seamless Transition to BRP Systems

Hukka's decision to partner with BRP Systems was influenced by several compelling factors. As outlined by Hukka's management team, the key reasons include:

  1. Fully Online Solution: BRP's web-based platform is ideally suited to accommodate Hukka's diverse service offerings, ensuring operations are more flexible and seamless. This adaptability is crucial for Hukka, where a wide range of sports and wellness activities are the norm. The online system enhances data accessibility, allowing staff and members to interact with the system from anywhere, at any time.

  2. Open Interfaces: The robust and open interfaces of the BRP Cloud enable effortless integration with other systems currently in use at Hukka. This integration capability is vital for improving operational efficiency and ensuring smooth data flows across various departments. Whether it's booking classes, managing memberships, or updating schedules, the interconnected systems work synergistically to maintain a streamlined flow of information.

  3. Proven Track Record and Large Customer Base: BRP's established history and broad customer base stood out as key indicators of its reliability and effectiveness. For Hukka, trusting in a system that has been validated by numerous other organizations means confidence in its stability and performance.

Supporting Growth and Development

The transition to BRP Systems is expected to significantly empower Hukka's continued growth and development. "We believe that transitioning to the BRP system will further support the growth and development of our business," stated a Hukka spokesperson. This move aligns with Hukka's commitment to excellence and its vision of providing a top-tier experience to its members.

By adopting BRP Systems' comprehensive solutions, Hukka anticipates not only an enhancement in operational efficiency but also an improvement in member satisfaction through more personalized and accessible service offerings. This partnership reflects Hukka's dedication to innovation and its ongoing effort to stay at the forefront of the health and fitness industry in Finland.

As Hukka integrates BRP's state-of-the-art technology, the future looks promising for both Hukka and its community. The enhanced capabilities brought by this collaboration will undoubtedly enrich the Hukka experience, making every visit to the club even more rewarding. 

Chloé Baaklini
By Chloé Baaklini
on May 06, 2024

GOGO on johdonmukaisesti edistänyt suomalaista kuntoilualaa uraauurtavilla aloitteillaan perustajiensa Taru Vähätalon sekä Päivi Aholaita-Mäenpään johdolla, jotka avasivat ensimmäisen GOGO liikuntakeskuksen vuonna 1990. Inspiraatiota Yhdysvalloista aerobicin suosion huippuaikoina kerännyt GOGO omaksui innovatiiviset trendit sekä käytännöt mullistaakseen kuntoilualan.

Chloé Baaklini
By Chloé Baaklini
on April 30, 2024

As GOGO continues to distinguish its 25 facilities in Finland's competitive fitness market, their recent decision to partner with BRP Systems as their management software provider marks a significant step towards enhancing operational efficiencies and customer satisfaction. We discussed GOGO's unique position in the market, their reasons for choosing BRP Systems, and how this partnership is set to elevate their service delivery.

Chloé Baaklini
By Chloé Baaklini
on November 28, 2023

BRP Systems is pleased to announce that they are entering into a partnership with Impulse Treningssenter AS

Chloé Baaklini
By Chloé Baaklini
on November 06, 2023

MOVA Group partners with BRP Systems to enhance user experience and fuel further Growth.

Kenneth Skinnerup
By Kenneth Skinnerup
on July 12, 2022

How do you keep your heart in your dream project when success drowns in operational tasks and you move further and further away from the spark that started it all?

Read here how MyHeart has undergone a transformation and found its current condensed form... which might not be for everyone.



By Louise Sørensen
on May 19, 2022

Especially during and after Covid, the digital development has accelerated very much within the fitness industry, and the members have other requirements than before Covid. But what is the right approach to digitalisation within the fitness industry when there are so many choices? And in a world that changes so much,  which criterias does a well established fitness chain have when deciding on the right IT solution?

We have talked to Susanne Jidesten and Sven Hansson from Friskis & Svettis, about exactly that. Friskis & Svettis have been offering exercise for more than four decades, and they have some interesting point of views regarding digitalisation.

But first of all - who is Friskis & Svettis?

By Line Gade
on November 01, 2021

When the decision about expanding Stykeladens' business from a barn to a new and bigger facility was made, they decided to partner up with BRP Systems to optimise their management tasks and give their members an even better experience.

Dive into our new customer story to learn about how StyrkeLadan started their journey with tractor tyres to operate a full-blown, popular and well-established gym.

By Anja Baek
on October 22, 2021
In Kungsängen, Stockholm, there is a small family gym with a first-class feel. The facility is called Ecogym and is run by the passionate owner, Shahab Tahwildaran.
Before BRP Systems came into the picture, the gym had quite a turbulent beginning. Read about their bumpy journey, and learn of the do's and don'ts when opening your own fitness facility, as Shahab shares his story.